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KOSOVO Antikriegsseite

Aufruf der Gewerkschaften aus dem Kosovo

Nachricht vom 29.03.99 weitergeleitet
Ursprung : H.DOGANAY@VLP040.comlink.de
Ersteller: Wolf911@aol.com

Liebe Freunde,
ich leite einen Aufruf von Gewerkschaften und Studierendenorganisationen aus dem Kosovo weiter. Er wurde am 25.3. inmitten der verbrecherischen NATO-Bombardierungen und Massaker und Verbrechen durch Milosevics Banden geschrieben. Er widerlegt erneut diejenigen, die den fortschrittlichen und berechtigten Charakter der Forderungen und des Kampfs der Kosovo-Albaner leugnen. Nicht die heuchlerische Intervention der NATO und imperialistischen Regierungen, die bisher Milosevic als Garanten der "Stabilität" gestützt haben und das Selbstbestimmungsrecht aller Völker mit Füssen treten (Kurdistan, Palästine, Baskenland...) ist ein Ausweg. Diese Bombardierungen, die Milosevics Diktatur nur stützen und womöglich die weitere Besetzung des Balkans durch NATO-Truppen bringen muß gestoppt werden! Erforderlich ist hingegen die Schaffung einer breiten internationalen Solidaritätsbewegung der Arbeiter, Studierenden und aller sich als demokratisch verstehenden Organsiationen mit dem Freiheits-und Überlebenskampf der unterdrückten albanischen Nation, Opfer des schlimmsten Rassismus, wie er auch in vielen anderen Ländern stattfindet und vorbereitet wird.Wir wissen nicht, ob die Unterzeichner dieses Aufrufes noch am Leben sind. Aber es ist dringend notwendig, ihrem Appell zu folgen.


To the people of Europe, particularly to Trade Unions and Associations,
Student Unions, Democratic Rights Organisations and Humanitarian Organisations.

Dear Friends,

The people of Kosova desperately need your help. Ethnic cleansing has driven hundreds of thousands of Albanian Kosova citizens from their homes. This violence and injustice has been growing since 1989 when Serbian troops occupied Kosova, which had the right of veto at the federal level,  illegally crushed its parliament, constitution and all legitimate  institutions, closed its schools, colleges and hospitals to all  Albanians and sacked Albanian workers from their jobs.

We appeal to the people of Europe to defend us from this fascist violence. Please, come to Kosova with humanitarian aid, come to show your solidarity, come to see for yourself what is happening. We need you by our side or the Serbian regime's genocide is going to continue until they get their "ethnically pure state".

But if you want to reach us you will have to confront an obstacle - the Serbian regime will not grant visas to anyone who they think will tell   the truth of what they have seen in Kosova and campaign for  solidarity. There is a blockade around Kosova which isolates the  suffering people from the outside world. We need you to break this  blockade. We need a humanitarian corridor reaching from the outside  world right into Kosova. Let the fleeing victims of ethnic cleansing  escape their torturers! Let food, medicine, educational supplies, and   everything else needed for a human life, reach the communities who are resisting ethnic cleansing. Let Kosova live!

Therefore if you are to reach us you will need to organise yourselves to be strong enough to demand from the Serbian regime the right to travel to Kosova. We ask everyone who hears this appeal to unite to organise a "convoy of aid and solidarity".

Your action will signal that the people of Europe will not sit back and allow ethnic cleansing and will not allow politicians to make the promise "No more Bosnias" become empty words.

Your action will give hope and strength to all the people in Kosova who want to establish a just and democratic society in which everyone can live   and work in peace.

Please contact us today, this minute. Our future is in your hands.

Agim Hyseni,

On behalf of

  • SBASHK - The Union of Education, Science and Culture of Kosova.
  • Ardian Kastrati - Students Independent Union of University of Pristina
  • Nediha Grapci - Humanitarian Association of Kosova "Helping Hand" The Independent Union of Health workers of Kosova
  • Xhafer Nuli - The Independent Union of Miners of Stari Terg - Kosova

25 March 1999

Contact Agim Hyseni tel/fax ++ 381 38 26 112or Ardian Kastrati email upsup@albanian.com

Please also contact Workers' Aid for Kosova tel/fax ++ 44 161 226 0404 email workersaid@redbricks.org.uk .

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